About Us

We became interested in watches over 2021 so we’re pretty new to them. We found learning about all the different types and features quite confusing and complicated, so we've put together this website to help anyone else new get up-to-speed more easily!

We've tried to keep our content beginner-friendly, but hopefully it's also useful to people more familiar with watches, where we try to cover things in detail. So hopefully you'll get something from the website if you’re new or have been wearing watches for a while!

The content you’ll find on our website:

  • We started by posting content on the different parts of a watch and how they work.
  • Then we started to go through the different types of watches. We hope to continue posting this type of content and potentially compare all the different options. We may also post information on wearing watches, setting time, adjusting them, etc.
  • Once we’re up-to-speed, where we've learnt about all the different parts and types/styles, we hope to put together some buying guides and continue to post more of all the above.

If you have any feedback/suggestions you can use the contact us page.